Myself and Colin spent the night in a hotel in Kendal. To late to get back to Keswick. I landed at about 6:30 between Kendal and Teebay. Sorry for the worry. I was on the radio the whole flight but I guess you could not hear. I was not really meaning to go XC.

I just took of on Helvellyn and went straight to base. I thought I will fly down to Grasmere but when I got there I was still at base. Same at Ambelside. When I got there the sea breeze had kicked in and there was a perfect cloud street going inland. I could not resist. Base was not massively high 4000 or something but the clouds were really close together and they were all working. 

About 20 min after I landed a rather attractive young lady pulled up beside me and asked if I wanted a lift anywhere. She was just back from Brazil and had split up with her boyfriend. No, I am not making this up. She gave me a lift into Kendal where we (me and Colin that is) spent the evening generally arsing about.

Sunday we went up to the S&W and had a blether with Steve. He recommended Scales as it is SE. It turned out to be another classic. Very light winds. Thermals were a lot stronger than Saturday but much more organised and base was a lot higher. Well above 6000. I ended up in cloud more than once. After the epic of the day before I decided to stay local but managed a pretty good (well good for me but maybe a bit wimpy) triangle. Flew the Blencathra ridge. Got an absolute screamer of a thermal from Skiddaw where I got pretty low. One minuet I was looking up at Colin in orbit on the Tala. About 3 minuits later I was disappearing into cloud looking down at him way bellow me. He crossed over onto the far side of the loch (Lords Seat / Cat Bells?) and I flew back over Keswick then back to the ridge, then over to the bottom of Clough Head then thermalled back up from low to complete the triangle. 
That done I had pretty much had it. Had a Blether in the car park with Gordon and Tina and various other bods. Gave a guy a lift back up to the Bleaze car park. Dropped the Tala back at the sick and the sick and the wrong then went for a fish supper with Colin who survived a journey along the sea breeze front with what remains of his barnet intact.I think it's fair to say, a bit of an epic weekend altogether. Colin bought the Tala.

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