Forecast implied a SE breeze so rather than an epic adventure and huge walk a trip to WitchieKnowe was the order of the day.

Met Andrew there just after 1pm. Sky was pretty dark to the East and North and there was a steady breeze coming up the southerly take off. It was coming from the SE :-)

We walked up the the SE bowl. the further up we got the lighter things got. The wind turbines to the south stopped turning! It almost looked like rain too.

We pondered the conditions but it was pretty consistent so gliders were removed from bags. The wind dropped some more.

A bit of ground handling and then had a non committal launch attempt. i ran down the hill but with not a lot of enthusiasm. so walked back up.

Andrew did a perfect forward launch and flew down. I did a running reverse and was off. straight down but... bonus was flying over a small convoy of ex military fc101 landrovers. (i always wanted one). Spoke to the guys briefly when we got back to the cars. really wanted to have a poke in them but needed to get home!
